I'm exaggerating, you say? Consider the facts...
- This room is on the second floor.
- That growth sprung up over the spring. It's not even trying to be subtle.
- You and I both know it's searching for a weak spot.
Yes, I've seen Dr. Terror's House of Horrors and its 'Creeping Vine' segment several times. Okay, a dozen times. That doesn't mean I should simply shrug a shoulder in the face of this overt intimidation.
But that's not even the whole story. I haven't gotten to the bees. Yes, beeees. Oh, they put on a good show. As if they're only slurping nectar from burgeoning berry blossoms - dedicated to pollinating (and sweetening) the world for our benefit. Like they're our friends.
So what if The Outer Limits episode, 'ZZZZZ', traumatized me when I was nine? I've caught these buzzers in the act of bouncing against the glass, attempting to bust their way in!
Go ahead - shake your head at the 'crazy' woman. But when the hostile takeover of an unsuspecting populace is complete, we'll all be paraphrasing Kent Brockman... 'Welcome, our plant and insect Overlords!'